1.       During the second term term you are to select

4 COLOUR exercises

2.      Please check the ones selected

3.      Paint in your sketchbook

4.     Use tempera paints or oil pastels

5.      You are to use the entire page – one project per page…

6.     Please sign and date


7. Use your color wheel and the information available in this website to guide your color choices. Go to: Color



·         Mix as many kinds of greens as possible

·         Paint a landscape using 2 complementary colours

·         Paint a composition of shapes and lines using monochrome color scheme – one color and its tints and shades

·         Divide your page into three sections and paint the same object in each section – use a different set of complementary colors for each section

·         Paint a self portrait using the primary colors only. You can use them pure of mixed with black, white and each other

·         Paint a composition using tinted colors – add white to your paints

·         Paint a composition using shaded colors – adding black to your paints

·         Colourful grays - Create as many grays as possible – mix colors with white, black and each other. Hint: mixing complementary colours creates beautiful grays.


·         Create a colour scale of warm colors – from light yellow to dark red – use tint and shade (white & black) in the process

·         Create a color scale of cool colors – from light purple to dark green – use tint and shade (white & black) in the process

·         Mix and paint as many “ugly” colors as possible and name them

·         Mix and paint as many “pretty” colors as possible and name them

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