There are two main types of texture one can find in art:

  • Tactile Texture is real texture which can be physically felt and experienced. To create tactile textures, artists utilize various materials. These materials have different textures as part of their surface feel or as part of their natural composition. This type of texture can be found in sculpture, architecture, or collage. Such as the texture of fabric, clay, plaster, wood, glass, wire etc. It may also be found in painting where one can feel the actual texture of paint.
  • Implied Texture is represented texture. Artists aim to imitate the appearance of tactile texture in their artwork. For example, one may paint or draw a dress to seem as if it is made of velvet, or draw a basket to seem as if it is woven from wicker. One uses different techniques of color blending, drawing or brush strokes to achieve the desired textured effect.

There are many different ways Texture is used in the creation of an artwork. Around are some examples of various textures.


Mary Cassatt, The Bath, 1891 - 1892

Implied texture of fabric, water, skin and porcelain


Andy Goldsworthy, Ice Ball

Tactile texture of ice


Heather Jansch, Driftwood Horse 

Tactile Texture of the actual drift wood


Heda, Willem Claesz, Breakfast Still Life with Blackberry Pie, a detail 

Implied texture of silver wear, glass, ribbon & wood surface


Dale Chihuly, Bridge of Glass

Tactile Texture of glass


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