
1. Introduction: MonoPrinting: Paint an area on a plexi-glass. Create a drawing into the paint by removing the paint with a q-tip. Press a paper over your area to print the image. Try several designs.

2. Stencils: Create an artwork made up of several stencils (at least 3). Choose a theme for your artwork. The theme must be represented by the use of images as well as a phrase. Example: Theme: Freedom of riding. Images: bike repeated 3 times, stars, circles, and errows. Phrase: RIDE FREE

3. StyroPrints- After drawing a picture of an animal in your sketchbook. Re-draw your picture onto a stryofoam plate. Make sure to include details such as fur/feathers, and background (trees, grass, dirt,etc)  Using a pen, press an indent into the lines of your drawing. Be careful not to poke a hole right through. When all lines are deep enough, spunge some paint evenly on your plate. Place your plate over paper are rub all through the plate to print the picture. Experiment with colors. PRINT 3 GOOD PRINTS.


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