Project 7:

Print Making & Inuit Art

Competency 1: Creates Personal Images

1. Experiment with different printing techniques:

Ink Blots


Mono Prints

2. Explore and study Inuit art and the printing techniques used by different Inuit artists to create their unique artworks.


Kenojuak Ashevak, The Enchanted Owl, 1960

Ink Blot


Mono Print

 Project 8:

Print Making Personal Project

Competency 1: Creates Personal Images


1.Create a picture that makes connections to your own life and personal characteristics.

2.   Create a picture that makes connections to your own life and personal characteristics.


3.   Create your picture using the Inuit’s art style. (Using texture, line and shape.)


4.   Pre-plan drawings in your sketchbook.

a. Sketch 4 different plans and chose one for your final project.


5.   Use 3 to 5 textures.


6.   Choose one of the 4 environmental elements.

a. FIRE- unpredictable, dangerous, passionate,  

b. AIR- a thinker

c.  WATER- emotional

d. EARTH- stability, solid as a rock


7.   Choose an animal that represents you. Animals have characteristics that humans can identify with. 

a.  Lion- protective, aggressive, lazy, loyal, leader, independent

b.  Rabbit- shy, timid, sensitive, quick, alert

c.  Dolphin- intelligent, sociable, show off, centre of attention talented

d.  Turtle- slow, alert, patient, fragile, instinctive

e.  Dogs- loyal, obedient, sociable, active, energetic

f.   Cats- independent, lazy, calculated (fall on their feet, hunting skills), self centered,  perfectionist


8.   Select a symbolic representation of you (example: hand, face, figure, etc.)


- Use – Images to find images to refer to.

9. Make a good copy of your drawing.

10. Draw a second copy of your drawing only using the biggest, simplest shapes.Personal Print

1.   Using your second copy trace the image into the Styrofoam using a pencil to press through the paper making indents on the Styrofoam.

2.   Once you are done, remove the paper and re-carve the lines to prefect the detail. Add the missing details that were drawn in your final picture.

3.   Must include 3 to 5 textures to add details.

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